Rental Manager - for managing
the process of renting equipment to customers
EFT Payments for
Spire and BusinessVision - Pay
vendors electronically via EFT, collect from Customers, CAD and USD, to
Canada and the USA, full featured options and flexibility, with
comprehensive user access, supervisor approval of EFT batches, and much
Fixed Assets Management - track your fixed
assets, calculate depreciation monthly on a declining balance or
straight line basis, makes entries into your Spire general ledger,
comprehensive reporting, much more.
UDF (User-Defined Fields) Import - you cannot import data into
UDFs in Spire
Comprehensive Inventory importing - customized to your needs
Exchange Rate Updater - automatically update the exchange rate
for various currencies - daily, weekly, or monthly
GL Consolidation - consolidate two or more Spire companies
in order to print financial statements for the consolidated entity
Financial Statements - closely resembling those of an earlier
Webstore interface - pull completed orders from your webstore
into Spire Sales Order
Online ordering platforms - when you don't need a full-blown
web store
Various Utilities, such as, but not limited to, the following
- GL Accounts utility - alter your GL Account structure
- Division Utility - add/change/modify GL Divisions
- GL Transactions utility - make GL entries into closed
Historical fiscal years
- BOM cost update - update BOMs with Current Cost
- Change and/or Merge GL accounts
- GL Limited Access - restrict user access to specific GL
accounts, make transactions
- And many many more
For BusinessVision
EFT Payments for
Spire and BusinessVision - Pay
vendors electronically via EFT, collect from Customers, CAD and USD
BusinessVision Interrupted Yearend fixup tool - if your
BusinessVision yearend process was interrupted and you don't have a
backup, this tool will save you
BusinessVision Payroll Yearend fixup tool - if you performed
your payroll yearend too early or too late, this will fix it
BusinessVision Workbook import - easily import
data into the Workbook from Excel, which is impossible within the
BusinessVision interface, and difficult to do otherwise