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Can't save to a PDF or email forms


A Windows Update in late November / early December 2015 broke the capability of BusinessVision to export reports and forms to a PDF file. This also affected BusinessVision's ability to email forms, since these are first saved by BusinessVision as a PDF.
You will get Error 999 "Operation not yet implemented"

The cause of this is Windows Update KB3102429.

Here is how to uninstall that update and prevent it from reinstalling.
PLEASE NOTE that I will be using an example for illustration purposes an update different from KB3102429, as I have already uninstalled that update from my computer.

In Windows, go to Control Panel, Windows Update:

In the lower-left corner, click on Installed Updates. The following screen shot shows a partial list.
Scroll down until you reach the Microsoft Windows section. Update KB3102429 shouild appear in the list.
Please note that the following list was taken from my own computer AFTER I had already uninstalled the update!

Right-click on KB3102429 and select Uninstall.
PLEASE NOTE: In the following example, a different update is selected for illustration purposes, since I have already uninstalled update KB3102429.

After confirming and going through the uninstall procedure, you will be advised that you will need to restart your computer. Don't do that yet.

Instead, click the "back arrow" near the top of the screen to go back to the main Windows Update screen.
Then click on Change Settings.

Change the Important Updates setting to one of "Download updates..." or "Check for updates...". Then click OK at the bottom of the screen.

One more thing needs to be done: You will need to tell Windows to never try to reinstall that update.
First though, you should restart your computer.
When your computer is back up, go into Control Panel, Windows Update, and click "Check for Updates". Windows will go looking for updates and hopefully you will see update KB3102429 on the list.
If it is, right-click on it and select "Hide Update".
Once again, PLEASE NOTE that I am using as an example an update other than KB3102429.

Once you have done this, you can set your Windows Update Settings back to automatic if you wish. I advised that you set them otherwise in an easrlier step in case you were not able to have the KB3102429 update reappear in your list of Recommended Updates.


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