BusinessVision has the capability to
assess finance charges on overdue Accounts Receivable. This function
uses some little-known rules outlined below.
This function is accessed from within
Accounts Receivable by clicking on the Finance Charges icon.
The following screen appears where you can select Customer
From-To. Fill in the fields and click OK.
This function adheres to some little-known rules, as follows:
- The Finance Charges function uses the first aging period, as per System Setup, Customer, Accounts Receivable (eg, 30
days) to determine which items to calculate finance charges on
- It uses the interest rate as per System Setup, Customer, Accounts Receivable (eg 1.25%) -
remember this is the MONTHLY RATE (NOT annual)
- But it ALWAYS calculates 30 days of interest no matter what the first
aging period is in System Setup, no matter how old the o/s balances are, and
no matter when Finance Charges were last run.
- Finance charges are applied to all o/s balances that are >= than the
first aging period old (for example, 30 days and older)
- The Finance Charges function does not keep track of when, if, or for which
Customers it has been run. So it can be run more than once for the same
customer at the same date. It will calculate new additional Finance Charges every time.
- Therefore it is up to you to manage when and how often you run this
- There is no way to reverse the Finance Charges if you run them by
mistake, other than by creating a Credit Memo within each customer to
reverse them.
- Customers on Hold: You cannot enter them into the From-To selection in
this function. BUT if a Customer on Hold is included within the From-To
range, Finance Charges WILL be calculated for that Customer.