The main areas where there are changes
- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable
- new interface with tabs for Open Items, Inquiry
- A/R: Average Days to pay on screen
- Select all / deselect all items for linking/unlinking
- link as many items as you want (no longer limited to 99)
- A/R: Apply customer payments using various payment methods
(VISA, etc)
- transaction import
Accounts Payable
- Ability to Void Cheques to either the original cheque date or to a different date
- Email/print/print & email choice for the other forms (Order
Confirmation, Quote)
- Export Customer Ship-To Addresses
- Ability to search by ship-to name, not just ID
- Allow printing of label for Ship-To Address
- Option to assign security in User Details to control the
customer “on hold” setting, so users that have access to add new
customers cannot change the on hold setting without proper
security credentials
Point of Sale
- Prompt when items are sold at a price of $0 or zero quantity by mistake
Order Entry
- Allow copy of open orders as quotes
- Print Packing Slip from the drop-down list of
forms to print
- Option to add a new item to all Warehouses at
- Addition of Vendor Remit-to Address
- Import from Excel: all imports to be the new model (like the GL import
in v7.2) - ie, can now import from Excel
- Sales Analysis, Purchase Analysis, Find: Browses added where
- Contact #1, 2, 3: Added ability to designate what each
contact is (eg, Manager, A/P clerk, etc) in each of Customers, Vendors, Employees.
- Forms: ability to print copies of forms to different
- Windows Server 2008 and 64-bit compatibility (Pervasive
- The "Find" feature now has its own icon
- New "Top N" reports in several modules
- Link to web mapping from any address (Google Maps, etc)